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Staff Applications #2

October 12, 2017 2:50:26pm (This post was last modified: October 23, 2017 4:07:33pm by Origin.)
    Post: #1 
CruZ forum profile avatar
Staff Applications #2
Hello Reborn Trainers,

Staff Applications are now Opened.

Available Vacancies :-

Forums Moderator (2)
Chat Moderator (3)
GFX Artist (1)

Format of Applying :-

1) Name -
2) Age -
3) Position applying for -
4) Country -
5) Total time you could spend on site -
6) Are you familiar with this game and menus?
7) Why should you be selected as a staff?
8) What makes you better than other users?
9) Do you have any past experience as Staff?
10) How can you help Reborn RPG?
*For GFX Artist/Forum Mod ONLY* How will you handle negative feedback?
*For Chat Mod ONLY* How will you handle multiple people trying to talk to them at the same time?

Be professional. Applications with false information & answers like Position applying for - ANY will be rejected. After the selection you will receive a confirmation email on the registered email associated with your account.
Good Luck!

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October 12, 2017 3:09:26pm
    Post: #2 
Caeser forum profile avatar
3)Chat Moderator
5) atleast 4hours a day
6) yes
7) because iam interested to work
8) I have my own ways and ideology wich i believe will help the game
10) i will work honestly as the position iam asigned to
I will reply back one by one

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October 12, 2017 5:09:06pm
    Post: #3 
Zeref forum profile avatar
1. Zeref
2. 20
3. Chat Mod
4. India
5. 5 hrs approx
6. Yes
7. I think that my experience in this game and my ability to work autonomously makes me a good candidate for a chat moderator
8. My main perspective is to never give up. I struggled a lot in this game earlier when i lost certain trades and stuff but i never gave up and won all my stuff back and now i have an awesome collection of pokes. I started from the bottom but now i am one of the top players
9. No
10. I can help new players if they need help and they can ask me anything regarding this game and i will clear their queries
Normally i would acknowledge all of them and then excuse myself to reply to one of them at a time

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October 12, 2017 6:06:37pm
    Post: #4 
danovlowsima forum profile avatar
1) Daniel - in game danovlowsima
2) 28
3) Forum Mod
4) UK
5) 9am - 5pm
6) Yes
7) I think that my experience in this game and my ability to work autonomously makes me a good candidate for a forum moderator
8) Never Give Up
9) No
10)Can Donate to help the game grow

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October 12, 2017 6:07:03pm
    Post: #5 
Doctorblaze forum profile avatar
1)Doctor blaze (AJ)
3)Chat Moderator
5) usually 3-5 hours but at times i just pop in 1-2 times an hour to see whats going on.
6) yes I would say im familiar with the menu bars
7) Im interested in the possition like mosts but rather than that i enjoy the game and would feel more obligated to play more often to do my duty’s as a Mod.
8) I guess im not so different then most people but I guess im more determined to do better at whatever i need to do. I want to try to do the best I can!
9)No, I have not.
10) I shall do the best I can help those in need and If I have many people trying to talk to me i shall try to swiftly respond to them the best solution fit to any situation at hand.

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October 13, 2017 1:36:07am (This post was last modified: October 13, 2017 4:02:34am by clown.)
    Post: #6 
clown forum profile avatar
3)chat moderator
5)7hours approx
6)yes i am familiar with game rules and menus
7)because we need an active and who should control the members in chat room or in game, i have that quality..
8)loyality to this game + always willing to help the dusk members
9)no,but i know this is a big responsabilty to perform
10) by replying one by one to all the dusk members question


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October 13, 2017 8:42:07am (This post was last modified: October 15, 2017 6:55:24am by kairon.)
    Post: #7 
kairon forum profile avatar
3)form moderator
5)7hours approx
6)yes Yes
7) I think that my experience in this game and my ability to work autonomously makes me a good candidate for a forum moderator
8) Never Give Up
9) No
10)Can Donate to help the game grow


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October 13, 2017 1:14:43pm
    Post: #8 
ashperdue forum profile avatar
1.Ash Perdue
3.Forums Moderator
5.4 hours a day
7.I am kind hearted and love this game and will not let it be taken down.
8.I am very loyal and strict on rule breakers.
9.Not for this game.
10.I can keep Reborn clean of anything that might make anybody think of reporting it.
11.I will handle negative feedback by looking for the cause and doing everything I can to make a Reborn trainer enjoy their time on this RPG.

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October 13, 2017 1:22:29pm (This post was last modified: October 14, 2017 6:28:48am by phoenix.)
    Post: #9 
phoenix forum profile avatar
1) Name - Phoenix
2) Age - 15
3) Position applying for - Forum Moderator
4) Country - India
5) Total time you could spend on site - 4 Hours Weekdays, 5 Hours Weekends
6) Are you familiar with this game and menus? Yes, I am more knowledgeable regarding the game and menus as I know a few tricks and tips such as where to locate Pokemon, Items such as Sitrus Berries, Reaper Cloths etc, and the basic knowledge of what the currencies are used for.
7) Why should you be selected as a staff? I try my hardest and best at the goals I set myself for. In this RPG, I try my best to help out every new and current players in things such as needing Money to buy Pokeballs, or loaning relatively high level Pokemon to help them train their own.
8) What makes you better than other users? As stated above, I know slightly more things about the RPG than others having spent a fair bit of time on the game. I am known to some of the newer players and active players (like Origin, C4kg among others) who know that I do my best to help others and am not rude or would display any negative or unreasonable behavior.
9) Do you have any past experience as Staff? I am currently a moderator for a smaller less known RPG and that so far I have been able to uphold the rules and made sure everyone else abides by them as well.
10) How can you help Reborn RPG? Using my activeness and likeness to help others i think i can make this game a better game. I can help the newer players by clarifying their doubts about the game and also give them things like game money and relatively high level Pokemon for training and other things.
*For Forum Mods* I believe negative feedbacks are needed in some cases since a person can do bad things in the name of doing good things also and in such cases negative feedbacks can come handy. but in some cases negative feedbacks goes on a little beyond just finding the truth.. In that cases i believe the power of wisdom and truth can be used. 'Satyameva Jayathe' is the national motto of India which means truth alone triumphs and i strongly believe in it. Often negative comments doesn't have much of any meaning and can be washed away by the true truth :)

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October 14, 2017 5:24:57pm
    Post: #10 
Ghetsis forum profile avatar
1) Ghetsis
2) 16
3) Chat mod
4) United States of America

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October 17, 2017 6:40:15pm
    Post: #11 
Battle_Kidd forum profile avatar
chat moderator or GFX moderator
now in canada but from india
now i spend less but before i spend almost 15 hrs
i am learning html and i have to create sites now so i can help
i am a student and learning html
no i have not been a staff before
to make it better by making good gaphics and inviting more people

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October 18, 2017 8:55:32pm
    Post: #12 
xXDestroyerxX forum profile avatar
2. 21
3. Chat Moderator
5.5 hours
6. yes
7.Because im a good player and a pokemon fanboy
8. I help when people are in need
9. No
10. By making sure the game runs smoothly and i will make sure when something against the rules happens that it is taking care of.
Like Zeref said "Normally i would acknowledge all of them and then excuse myself to reply to one of them at a time.''

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October 19, 2017 1:53:02am
    Post: #13 
Origin forum profile avatar
Just some tips and advice.
When writing an application, it's best to go as in-depth or explain as much as possible. Don't say things like:
Why should I be staff? Because I try my best.
It should be like:
Why should I be staff? I try my best by providing other players with items or helping them by answering questions such as locations for certain Map Pokemon. An example would be (Player) wanted to know where to find Duskull, and I told him that the Pokemon is located at Haunted Mansion.
Even if you have to explain and it seems long, it helps us understand how much knowledge you may have of the RPG instead of just seeing the words "I play alot so I know alot about the game".

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October 21, 2017 12:11:41pm
    Post: #14 
phoenix forum profile avatar
I did explain but i think i explained a little too much

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October 21, 2017 5:35:16pm
    Post: #15 
Origin forum profile avatar
You did fine dont worry :)

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