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Staff Applications #2

October 21, 2017 5:47:05pm (This post was last modified: October 21, 2017 5:55:38pm by Frostkid.)
    Post: #16 
Frostkid forum profile avatar
2) 14
3) Chat moderator
4) Pennsylvania
5) 2 hours weekdays,5 hours weekends
6)I've been playing this game since it started,you could tell by my ID that I'm a old player.Yes,I am familiar with the whole game and how it works.
7) I have a lot of experience in Pokemon RPG's,I've played multiple Pokemon rpgs with a similar format throughout the years.
8)Again,I have a lot of experience which makes me better than the rest of the members and I know the rules/how the game works.
9)Yes,I've been super moderator and chat moderator in some of the RPGs
10) I will help all the beginners who just joined the game by telling them the basics and how to be better at the game.I would invite people to play the RPG,and would keep a check on the game chat and make sure that there's nothing wrong going on in the chat as I'm applying for chat moderator.
I would reply to each question or message I get one by one or I would ask them to message me in game with there doubts or whatever they want to talk about.

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October 22, 2017 3:56:53pm
    Post: #17 
TamerzZ forum profile avatar
1) Name
2) Age
-Old enough for the position.
3) Position applying for
4) Country
-*Privacy issues*
5) Total time you could spend on site
-once a week/month
6) Are you familiar with this game and menus?
-no/not at all
7) Why should you be selected as a staff?
-because I want to
8) What makes you better than other users?
-because I was #2 until someone replaced me to #223
9) Do you have any past experience as Staff?
10) How can you help Reborn RPG?
-by getting into that position

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October 23, 2017 5:26:13pm
    Post: #18 
Origin forum profile avatar
Staff Applications are now closed.
They will now be reviewed by the Staff.

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