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Making RPG more Simple

October 13, 2016 3:24:39pm (This post was last modified: December 06, 2016 11:42:33am by CruZ.)
    Post: #1 
CruZ forum profile avatar
Making RPG more Simple
Hello Reborn Trainers,
I wanted to make the site more simple. So, basically I was thinking to merge different pages. So, the users can access more features in less clicks.
We also need to remove unnecessary pages/features of game.
Example - Your badges and Gyms where 2 different pages and now the they have been merged to provide all your badges on the same page of Gyms.
Suggest, What you think can be merged.

Updates -
Send BP should be merged with send coins etc [DONE]
Battle point to coin exchange on bank page [DONE]
The Map u are in and all other maps [WORKING ON NEW MAP SYSTEM]
Edit avatar java version should be merged with preferences [IT WILL SHOW DOWN THE PAGE]

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October 13, 2016 3:27:22pm
    Post: #2 
Gage forum profile avatar
I think all training accounts should be merged it would mean less clicking

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October 13, 2016 3:28:38pm
    Post: #3 
Frostkid forum profile avatar
Send battle points should be merged with send coins etc

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October 13, 2016 4:15:02pm
    Post: #4 
ChloeSoftPaws forum profile avatar
Battle point to coin exchange on bank page

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October 17, 2016 10:21:27pm (This post was last modified: April 09, 2017 1:25:57pm by JacobJonesJ.)
    Post: #5 
JacobJonesJ forum profile avatar
The map u are in and all other maps

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November 17, 2016 4:45:55pm
    Post: #6 
DayZ forum profile avatar
edit avatar java version should be merged with preferences.....

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March 25, 2017 11:45:01am
    Post: #7 
CruZ forum profile avatar
Almost all of them are implemented. :D

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January 18, 2019 10:15:19am
    Post: #8 
RouxlsKaard forum profile avatar
Your Inventory should a Pokeshop for PokeBalls and such

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July 18, 2020 4:19:40pm
    Post: #9 
Runeari forum profile avatar
I think you should be able to merge the Mining and Crafting pages. That was you can mine and craft when your done mining! A plus is that you can also implement a measure to know if someone is giving themselves ores or fossils on purpose so they can incubate many things (E.g: if someone is crafting 10 eggs and clicking too fast on crafting a popup will appear so that they know your not a bot and or hacking so you can get those items.) Its just my opinion I think it would be a really good idea! (Sorry for my spelling by the way, I'm english but I mispell a lot. Well who cares, I hate autocorrect anyway :p.)

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September 24, 2020 8:25:36pm
    Post: #10 
Zephie forum profile avatar
Your inbox, notifications and tweets should all be merged into 1 page probably won’t work but you never know until you try lol

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