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Trading my entire box (Pretty much my account)

October 07, 2023 8:32:55am (This post was last modified: October 07, 2023 8:48:55am by AwesomeArceus.)
    Post: #1 
AwesomeArceus forum profile avatar
Trading my entire box (Pretty much my account)
Trading off every single thing I have left in my box, if at any time anyone wants anything check AwesomeArceus #41004
] I am trading literally everything because I’m too poor to have anything valuable.[/i]
[/b][/i]If any one wishes to buy with coins instead of trading, that’s fine also as I’m not picky and I’m too poor anyway.rnI may have a few lvl 90k pokes donated to me by FancyOG
I also get new colored pokes or promos, which are always ft. I am also taking this opportunity to ask if anyone has a spare shiny, colored or ungendered golurk that I could have.rnPlease don’t reply to this post as I will never ever check it, but just send a trade and msg me in game.rnI’m also looking for giratina of any sort, although any colored giratina I’ll prolly be too poor to afford seeing as how all I have is my level 90k pokes, but once I get a bit richer I might be able to trade for one.rnThanks and please msg me if you play robloxrnAlso could anyone make a new rate list for new players? I feel that most of our new players are susceptible to scams and that they might find a rate list useful. I think most of us would find a rate list useful too, as our current outdated one kindly made by raxzor has been there for like 5 years without anyone changing it or making a new one. If anyone can put in the effort please do as I’m sure the community would benefit greatly. And please donate to FancyOG who has helped me along most my reborn dusk journey, if you ever get the chance to donate or have some spare pokes you don’t need.rnThanks

I’m gonna dedicate a sentence to fancy here cause of his help to me.

Note this is not a funeral for fancy if you thought it was. He is still alive

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October 07, 2023 8:33:20am
    Post: #2 
AwesomeArceus forum profile avatar
Btw guys if u see the /r/n things I just forgot to delete them

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