Rate list |
July 16, 2019 5:49:04am (This post was last modified: January 17, 2024 6:29:05pm by EmperorOrchid.)
Post: #1
Rate list
Firstly,these rates are not the 'official' rates as there is no official rate, you people can trade for what you like. Also,Ive prioritized this rate list by the amount active, wanted-ness, and rarity. Note : If a Pokemon is rated "N/A" it doesn't mean it's rated so much, it can't be rated, it just means that: someone has hoarded most of them so it's impossible to rate, or there are too many inactive/banned so rating them will be hard. Just trade for what YOU think it's worth. To quickly find what you're looking for use Ctrl + F to search the list! Enjoy! NOTE: All of these prices are for base pokemon(lvl 5), for non base I suggest removing 35% of the price mentioned below. Lvl 4 or lesser Pokemons are more valuable than base(lvl 5) ones, it would increase the price of the pokemon by 3 times atleast! Baby Pokemon BabyAzelf - 9.5k BabyAbsol - 135k BabyButterfree BabyCaterpie BabyEntei BabyFrillish - 65k BabyGirafarig - 125k BabyGolett - 250k BabyGolurk- 150k BabyJellicent - 65k BabyLopunny BabyLugia BabyMetapod BabyPikachu BabyRaikou - 57k BabyReshiram - 75k BabySewaddle - 125k BabySuicune BabySylveon - 125k BabyJolteon- 7.5k BabyFlareon - 7.5k BabyVaporeon - 7.5k BabyXerneas BabySableye - 185k Demon Pokemon DemonEntei- N/A DemonLatias- N/A DemonLatios - N/A DemonMeloetta- N/A DemonDeerling - N/A DemonKyogre - N/A DemonHeatran - N/A DemonPalkia - N/A DemonAbsol- 75k DemonRayquaza- 70k DemonSpiritomb- 55k DemonKeldeo- 50k DemonMew - 40k DemonZangoose- 35k DemonArticuno - 32.5k DemonZygarde - 32.5k DemonMewtwo- 30k DemonSableye- 28k DemonGiratina - 25k DemonSpinda- 19k DemonYveltal - 18.75k DemonSolgaleo - 18.5k DemonHoopa - 16.5k DemonDarkrai- 15.7k DemonScyther - 15.5k DemonPineco- 15k DemonMoltres - 15k DemonZapdos- 13.5k DemonCharmander- 13k DemonKyurem -12.5k DemonSentret- 12.5k DemonBulbasaur- 12.5k DemonZorua- 12k DemonTapu Koko - 9.5k DemonThundurus- 9.15k DemonDratini - 8.5k DemonCaterpie - 8k DemonDialga- 8k DemonRaikou- 7.65k DemonThundurus - 7.5k DemonGolett- 7.5k DemonWailmer - 7.25k DemonVictini- 7k DemonSuicune- 6k DemonRegice- 5.75k DemonJirachi- 5k DemonLugia- 4.5k DemonCelesteela - 4.35k DemonLitwick - 4k DemonShinx- 4k DemonMr.Rime - 3.8k DemonPonyta- 3.7k DemonChewtle - 3.5k DemonEevee- 3.5k DemonEspeon - 3.5k DemonVulpix- 3.5k DemonGrowlithe - 3.5k DemonTeddiursa- 3.5k DemonSquirtle- 3.4k DemonZeraora - 3.3k DemonGible - 3.25k DemonAudino- 3.15k DemonBellsprout- 3k DemonGirafarig - 3k DemonAzurill- 2.925k DemonLeafeon- 2.8k DemonFlareon - 2.8k DemonSandshrew- 2.8k DemonSylveon- 2.75k DemonUmbreon- 2.7k DemonMunchlax - 2.6k DemonBeldum- 2.5k DemonCubchoo- 2.5k DemonOshawott- 2.5k DemonNosepass - 2.3k DemonChimchar- 2.3k DemonRelicanth - 2.25k DemonFroakie - 2.25k DemonRhyhorn- 2.2k DemomEkans - 2.1k DemonSkitty- 2.05k DemonLapras - 2k DemonHeracross- 2k DemonHonedge- 2k DemonIgglybuff- 2k DemonDedenne - 2k DemonCubone- 1.9k DemonCleffa- 1.9k DemonLapras - 1.9k DemonJigglypuff - 1.85k DemonPurrloin - 1.85k DemonPichu - 1.85k DemonMagikarp- 1.85k DemonHelioptile- 1.85k DemonCleffa- 1.825k DemonKrabby - 1.75k DemonSwablu- 1.75k DemonScraggy - 1.6k DemonTyrunt - 1.5k DemonTauros- 1.5k DemonDrilbur - 1.5k DemonBudew - 1.5k DemonOnix- 1.5k DemonKrabby- 1.5k DemonAerodactyl- 1.5k DemonVoltorb- 1.5k DemonShuckle- 1.5k DemonWeepinbell - 1.5k DemonGlalie - 1.5k Eternal Pokemon EternalZekrom- N/A EternalArticuno- N/A EternalCelebi- N/A EternalDialga- 150K+ EternalHoopa- N/A EternalLarvitar- N/A EternalMeloetta- N/A EternalMewtwo(God)- 150k EternalMegaMewtwo- 175k EternalArceus- 50k EternalReshiram- 45k EternalUxie- 40k EternalGiratina- 75k EternalPikachu- 35k EternalSpiritomb- 30k EternalMunchlax- 20k EternalDelibird- 16k EternalEntei- 25k EternalGenesect- 15k EternalTaillow- 12.5k EternalDuskull- 12k EternalDarkrai- 6.5k EternalSuicune- 10.5k EternalAbsol- 6k EternalMarshadow- 6k EternalGastly- 5k EternalJirachi- 4,000 EternalRegigigas- 5,500 EternalBagon- 5,250 EternalSkiddo-3,250 EternalPidgey- 3,575 EternalTeddiursa- 3k EternalMudkip- 3k EternalCharmander- 3k EternalCyndaquil- 2.8k EternalFlareon - 5k EternalAnorith- 2.8k EternalSneasel- 2.7k EternalZorua- 5,950 EternalJolteon- 4.5k EternalMagby- 4.5k EternlVictini - 10k EternalRaikou - 13,500 EternalOnix - 8,500 EternalGolett - 75k EternalMew - 10k EternalMegaRayquaza - 15k EternalAegislash - N/A EternalArmaldo - N/A EternalBraviary - N/A EternalBuneary - 3k EternalChameleon - N/A EternalCharizard - N/A EternalDeoxys - 25k EternalLeafeon - 6k EternalMawile - EternalNoibat - EternalPhantump- EternalRufflet - EternalSylveon - Golden Pokemon GoldenArceus-N/A GoldenPsyduck- N/A GoldenScyther- N/A GoldenSquirtle- N/A GoldenCelebi-N/A GoldenFeebas- N/A GoldenLapras- N/A GoldenMeloetta- N/A GoldenGiratina- 55k GoldenLandorus- 35k GoldenLarvitar-35k GoldenLatios- 12,500 GoldenGlaceon- 26.5k GoldenGoomy- 24.5k GoldenVulpix- 20k GoldenLugia- 17,500 GoldenGlameow- 19k GoldenDeerling- 17k GoldenDarkrai- 42,500 GoldenMoltres- 12.5k GoldenRayquaza- 10k GoldenZapdos- 10k GoldenGolett- 10k GoldenRaikou- 7.5k GoldenZorua- 7k GoldenRegisteel- 6.5k GoldenAbsol - 5.7k GoldenEevee- 10k GoldenShuppet- 5,150 GoldenCubone- 4.7k GoldenDiglett- 4.5k GoldenTorchic- 3,500 GoldenMeowth- 4.1k GoldenGastly- 3.8k GoldenGrowlithe- 3.5k GoldenRelicanth- 3.5k GoldenHorsea- 3.5k GoldenAron- 3.5k GoldenHorsea- 3.4k GoldenCaterpie-3.2k GoldenMr. Mime- 3k GoldenChatot- 2.8k GoldenDrifloon- 3,500 GoldenStaryu- 2.5k GoldenLuvdisc - 1,000 GoldenMagnemite - 4,500 GoldenVulpix - 5,000 GoldenScyther GoldenHoundour GoldenHappiny GoldenArticuno GoldenCranidos GoldenCresselia GoldenLapras GoldenMegaCharizard GoldenPsyduck GoldenShelmet GoldenSnover GoldenTogepi Glitter Pokemon GlitterZapdos- N/A GlitterGroudon- N/A GlitterLatias- N/A GlitterRotom- N/A GlitterShinx- N/A GlitterXerneas- N/A GlitterMoltres- 100k GlitterHoopa- 75k GlitterGolett- 68k GlitterGenesect- 65k GlitterScyther- 50k GlitterLitleo- 45k GlitterTeddiursa- 45k GlitterArceus - 40k GlitterPoochyena- 34k GlitterGiratina- 25k GlitterThundurus- 25k GlitterMeloetta- 24k GlitterRayquaza- 20k GlitterHappiny - 15k GlitterSpiritomb- 14k GlitterYveltal- 13k GlitterGirafarig- 12.5k GlitterExeggcute- 12.5k GlitterCressilia- 8k GlitterVulpix- 6k GlitterCharmander- 4,250 GlitterCyndaquil- 6.2k GlitterGardevoir- 5.5k GlitterVictini- 5k GlitterAbra- 4,500 GlitterRiolu- 5k GlitterSableye- 4.8k GlitterTotodile- 4.6k GlitterLapras- 6,800 GlitterAbsol- 8.5k GlitterPidgey- 4k GlitterGible- 3.5k GlitterMeowth- 3.4k GlitterGrowlithe- 3.2k GlitterLeafeon- 6.5k GlitterDitto- 3k GlitterZorua- 3k GlitterOshawott- 2.8k GlitterHonedge- 2.5k GlitterStantler- 2.4k GlitterPorygon-Z - 5,250 GlitterEspeon - 7.75k GlitterPichu - 3,650 GlitterHippopotas - 3,000 GlitterAnorith - 5,500 GlitterRoselia GlitterTerrakion GlitterMegaHoundoom - 4,250 GlitterMegaAbsol GlitterCorsola GlitterJynx GlitterLatias GlitterLitleo GlitterLugia GlitterMegaAbsol GlitterMegaGallade GlitterNuzleaf GlitterPachirisu GlitterPoochyena GlitterRottom GlitterTropius GlitterTerrakion GlitterXerneas GlitterWynaut GlitterZapdos Frost Pokemon FrostZekrom- 150K FrostAzelf- N/A FrostHo-Oh- N/A FrostLugia- 175k FrostMeloetta- N/A FrostShaymin- N/A FrostArceus- 125k FrostZapdos- 120k FrostMoltres- 85k FrostMew- 100k FrostMewtwo- 150k FrostMarshadow- 4,200 FrostMegaCharizard- 55k FrostGolett - 55k FrostDuskull- 35k FrostCryogonal- 25k FrostStaryu- 20k FrostRegice- 10k FrostThundurus- 10k FrostDarkrai- 7.5k FrostRayquaza- 30k FrostTornadus- 10k FrostRaikou- 12k FrostXerneas- 15k FrostHeatran- 6.5k FrostEntei- 6.5k FrostYveltal-20k FrostHoundour- 5.5k FrostSylveon- 6.5k FrostKyurem- 9k FrostPonyta- 4k FrostRiolu- 3.5k FrostMunchlax- 3,5k FrostAbsol- 4k FrostPichu- 2k FrostTepig- 3k FrostLitwick- 4.5k FrostSkorupi- 3.5k FrostGastly- 4.5k FrostGlaceon- 5k FrostFeebas- 3k FrostScyther- 3k FrostUmbreon- 5k FrostJolteon- 2.8k FrostHappiny- 2k FrostEspeon- 3.5k FrostGyarados(Base)- 2.7k FrostDeino- 2k FrostFlareon- 4.25k FrostMagikarp- 2.5k FrostDwebble- 3k FrostLunatone- 2.3k FrostSnorunt- 2.3k FrostElekid- 2.2k FrostGrowlithe- 2.1k FrostGirafarig- 3k FrostDeerling- 2k FrostMakuhita- 2k FrostSpheal- 2.5k FrostWooper- 2k FrostVanillite- 1.8k FrostEkans- 1.6k FrostEspeon - 7.5k FrostAbra- 2k FrostSnubbull - 3k FrostPalkia - 10k FrostHorsea - 3k FrostPinsir - 2.5k FrostWailmer - 3.2k FrostNumel - 3,000 FrostVaporeon - 5k FrostHeatmor - 3k FrostCharmander - 20k FrostAipom - N/A FrostDialga - N/A FrostLampent - N/A FrostMankey - N/A FrostMegaRayquaza - N/A FrostPancham - N/A FrostReshiram - N/A FrostTorkoal - N/A FrostTotodile - 2K FrostAerodactyl - 4k FrostAlakazam - N/A FrostAmbipom - N/A FrostArcanine - N/A FrostArbok - N/A FrostArticuno - 7k Shadow Pokemon ShadowMeloetta- N/A ShadowMewtwo- N/A ShadowTerrakion- N/A ShadowWynaut- N/A ShadowJirachi- N/A ShadowLatios- N/A ShadowDarkrai- 125k ShadowRaikou- 100k ShadowGiratina- 85k ShadowSpiritomb- 68k ShadowDuskull- 65k ShadowMagikarp- 58k ShadowSuicune- 55k ShadowEmolga- 50k ShadowTornadus- 45k ShadowLarvitar- 45k ShadowZorua- 42k ShadowPikachu- 35k ShadowShuppet- 33k ShadowCharmander- 28k ShadowYamask- 25k ShadowSnorunt- 20k ShadowVaporeon- 13k ShadowCryogonal- 12.5k ShadowZygarde- 6.5k ShadowFlareon- 12k ShadowDeoxys- 10k ShadowReshiram- 9k ShadowNidoranM- 8k ShadowDialga- 8.5k ShadowHo-Oh- 7k ShadowEntei- 6.8k ShadowGroudon- 6.3k ShadowXerneas- 3,800 ShadowAbsol- 5.7k ShadowTeddiursa- 5.3k ShadowMoltres- 5k ShadowSableye- 5k ShadowSquirtle- 5k ShadowRhyhorn- 4.2k ShadowGeodude- 2,000 ShadowEevee- 3.8k ShadowHoundour- 3.8k ShadowHelioptile- 2,750 ShadowGible- 3.4k ShadowMunchlax- 2,650 ShadowRegirock- 8,400 ShadowPsyduck- 3k ShadowGastly- 2.7k ShadowFeebas- 2.6k ShadowCarvanha- 2.5k ShadowIgglybuff- 3,175 ShadowAxew- 2.3k ShadowNidoranF- 2k ShadowHawlucha- 2k ShadowDitto- 1.8k ShadowStarly- 1.8k ShadowOnix- 1.6k ShadowDoduo- 1.5k ShadowCarbink- 5,150 ShadowPinsir- 3,300 ShadowDrowzee- 1.4k ShadowWobbuffet- 1.3k ShadowFroakie- 1.3k ShadowVolbeat- 1.2k ShadowInkay- 1.2k ShadowCombee - 2,300 ShadowDratini - 4,200 ShadowStaryu - 2,100 ShadowChimchar - 3,075 ShadowCroagunk - 2,150 ShadowMeowth - 2,950 ShadowTogepi - 2,200 ShadowCaterpie - 1,950 ShadowDiancie - 6,500 ShadowLugia ShadowUmbreon ShadowZorua Haunted Pokemon HauntedAbsol- N/A HauntedEntei- N/A HauntedZekrom- N/A HauntedKyogre- N/A HauntedDratini- N/A HauntedMeloetta- N/A HauntedRegigigas- N/A HauntedRayquaza- 150k HauntedArceus- 125k HauntedKyurem- 115k HauntedDialga- 100k HauntedZapdos - 62.5k HauntedGiratina- 50k HauntedMarshadow- 50k HauntedGolett - 45k HauntedSnover- 45k HauntedPalkia- 40k HauntedCobalion- 35k HauntedReshiram- 30k HauntedJirachi- 25k HauntedScraggy- 25k HauntedMisdreavus- 20k HauntedPachirisu- 20k HauntedMareep- 15k HauntedPichu- 8.5k HauntedShuppet- 7k HauntedLitleo- 7k HauntedKeldeo- 6.5k HauntedRaikou- 6.5k HauntedCelebi- 6k HauntedLarvitar- 5.5k HauntedLapras- 5.4k HauntedRegice- 5.2k HauntedGlaceon- 5k HauntedMewtwo- 5,750 HauntedMesprit- 4.5k HauntedCranidos- 4.5k HauntedVulpix- 3.8k HauntedScyther- 3.5k HauntedZorua- 3.4k HauntedGastly- 3.4k HauntedBulbasaur- 5,500 HauntedScyther - 4.5k HauntedCharmander- 3.2k HauntedRotom- 2,500 HauntedEevee- 3k HauntedHoundour- 3k HauntedZangoose- 3k HauntedOshawott- 2.7k HauntedPsyduck- 2.5k HauntedTyrogue- 2.5k HauntedPidgey- 2,350 HauntedAron- 2.4k HauntedChimchar-2.4k HauntedHeracross- 2.3k HauntedSquirtle- 2.3k HauntedCaterpie- 2.2k HauntedNidoranM- 2k HauntedSnivy- 2k HauntedMagikarp- 1.9k HauntedCubone- 1.8k HauntedMeditite- 1.7k HauntedFarfetchd- 1.6k HauntedSawsbuck- 1.6k HauntedEkans- 1.5k HauntedDrifloon- 1.4k HauntedSawk- 1.4k HauntedHitmonlee- 1.2k HauntedTauros- 1,450 HauntedDwebble- 1.2k HauntedPinsir- 1,150 HauntedGirafarig - 1,500 HauntedNoibat - 1,325 HauntedHitmonchan - 1,675 HauntedMoltres - 5,800 HauntedCyndaquil - 2,000 HauntedElectabuzz - 1,545 HauntedKyogre - 3,950 HauntedRiolu - 1,800 HauntedSkitty - 1,350 HauntedEntei - 12,500 HauntedPonyta - 2,075 HauntedFrillish - 1,975 HauntedPachirisu - HauntedShinx HauntedHoopa HauntedPhanpy - HauntedMunna If there are any concerns about a certain Pokémon’s rate or anything missing from the list, please contact EmperorOrchid or Moist Thank You.
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Post: #2
That’s a whole lotta Pokémon
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Post: #3
It sure is lol
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Post: #4
Theres still a few missing tho. Other than the recent promos...If anyone finds any poke missing, pls post below
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Post: #5
i have ShadowHoopa and HauntedHoopa, not on this list
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Post: #6
There are ALOT of pokemon that are missing, this hasnt been thoroughly updated in months, much like everything else in the forums.
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Post: #7
If you find some names missing,Please drop the names in your replies and they willl be added to the list soon.
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Post: #8
I will make a complete list for you later.
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Post: #9
Here is a list of all of the missing Baby Pokemon.
BabyAzelf BabyButterfree BabyCaterpie BabyEntei BabyFrillish BabyGirafarig BabyGolett BabyGolurk BabyJellicent BabyLopunny BabyLugia BabyMetapod BabyPikachu BabyReshiram BabySewaddle BabySuicune BabySylveon BabyXerneas
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Post: #10
Yes this is very much appreciated,thank you :D
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Post: #11
Here is a list of every missing Haunted Pokemon
HauntedAbomasnow HauntedAggron HauntedAmpharos HauntedArbok HauntedBanette HauntedBlastoise HauntedBulbasaur HauntedButterfree HauntedCharizard HauntedCharmeleon HauntedCrustle HauntedDewott HauntedDragonair HauntedDragonite HauntedDrifblim HauntedGengar HauntedGolduck HauntedGyarados HauntedHaunter HauntedHeracross HauntedHoundoom HauntedInfernape HauntedMarowak HauntedMedicham HauntedMewtwo HauntedMismagius HauntedMonferno HauntedPidgeot HauntedPidgeotto HauntedPikachu HauntedPupitar HauntedPyroar HauntedRaichu HauntedRampardos HauntedSamurott HauntedSawsbuck HauntedScizor HauntedScrafty HauntedSerperior HauntedServine HauntedTyranitar HauntedTyrogue HauntedWartortle HauntedWeezing HauntedZoroark
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Post: #12
Nice work on the rate list :3
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Post: #13
Thanks :)
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Post: #14
eteral gengar
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Post: #15
Rate list slightly updated. Should contain all Previous Promo Center Pokemon and their rates. Does not contain Treasure Box/Contest/Event Pokemon rates just yet.
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