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Stuck after pokemon and sprite selection

February 10, 2019 11:44:28pm
    Post: #1 
FrightKnight88 forum profile avatar
Stuck after pokemon and sprite selection
I am stuck at the screen after you choose a pokemon and a character sprite. I chose torchic and a magma team member. Then it goes to a screen describing and giving an image of each of the types of pokemon you can encounter. It asks you to click the "I'm ready" button to go battle "Ash" but it doesn't[/font] actually do anything. It is broken.

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February 16, 2019 3:35:22am
    Post: #2 
BlackIce forum profile avatar
did you try logging in and out? or closing tab?

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February 24, 2019 3:53:16am (This post was last modified: February 24, 2019 4:00:51am by april66.)
    Post: #3 
april66 forum profile avatar
I'm having exactly the same issue, and I have logged out, and back in.
I have also logged out, closed my browser, reopened browser, and logged back in.
It still won't work.

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February 24, 2019 4:18:26am
    Post: #4 
april66 forum profile avatar
I tried switching browsers, from Firefox, to google chrome, and that seemed to work, but it just got stuck on the next page. I then tried switching to MS Edge, and that seems to be doing ok for now.

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