Pokemon Map Reference Guide |
February 06, 2019 7:42:57am (This post was last modified: February 12, 2019 4:25:05am by DarthSicnarf.)
Post: #1
Pokemon Map Reference Guide
Here's a list of all the pokemons I encountered so far in every map. I'll update this list as often as I can. Hope this helps. Black Forest Abomasnow Bulbasaur Cacnea Cacturne Celebi Cherubi Chikorita Exeggcute Ferroseed Gloom Grotle Hoppip Kricketot Ledian Lileep Lotad Ludicolo Nincada Oddish Paras Parasect Scolipede Scyther ShinyVictreebel Shroomish Simisage Snivy Sunflora Tangrowth Treecko Tropius UnownA UnownE UnownF UnownI UnownJ UnownK UnownX UnownZ Venusaur Victreebel Vileplume Virizion (Legendary) Weedle Frozen Cave Cloyster Delibird Dewgong Glaceon Glalie Kyurem (Legendary) Piloswine Sealeo ShinyGlaceon Sneasel Snorunt Spheal UnownI UnownM UnownO UnownQ UnownX UnownY UnownZ Vanillish Walrein Haunted Mansion Darkrai (Legendary) Drapion Drifloon Drowzee Duskull Gastly Gengar Haunter Honchkrow Litwick Mandibuzz Mightyena Misdreavus Nuzleaf Sableye Shedinja ShinyMandibuzz ShinyMightyena Shuppet Spiritomb UnownF UnownO Vullaby Zubat River Rafting Buizel Clamperl Claydol Corsola Crawdaunt Cryogonal Drilbur Dugtrio Frillish Goldeen Gorebyss Gyarados Jellicent Kingdra Kingler Krabby Lapras Magikarp Mantyke Marshtomp Oshawott Panpour Poliwag Psyduck Sandile Seel ShinyMantyke Staryu Tentacool Torterra UnownC UnownG UnownH UnownK UnownL UnownM Electricity Hub Ampharos Bastiodon Bisharp Conkeldurr Durant Electabuzz Electrike Electrode Elekid Ferroseed Flaaffy Heracross Hitmonchan Klink Lucario Magnemite Manectric Minun Monferno Pachirisu Pichu Pignite Pikachu Plusle Raikou (Legendary) Rotom Sawk Scrafty Shinx Stunfisk Throh Timburr Toxicroak UnownD Voltorb Lava Beach Archeops Bonsly Camerupt Chimchar Cyndaquil Darumaka Entei (Legendary) Larvesta Litleo Magby Magmar Magmortar Ninetales Numel Pansear Ponyta Probopass Rhyperior Slugma Solrock Torkoal UnownV Victini 0* Temp Delibird Dewgong Glalie Goldeen Jynx Lugia (Legendary) Psyduck Shellder Smoochum Sneasel Snover Swinub UnownD UnownM UnownQ UnownU UnownX UnownZ Dark Town Aerodactyl Anorith Aron Bonsly Cranidos Dialga (Legendary) Geodude Kabuto Larvitar Lileep Onix Rhyhorn Shieldon ShinyGeodude ShinyRhyhorn UnownB UnownE UnownF UnownL UnownN Desert Beach Carracosta Chinchou Cubone Golduck Hippopotas Hitmonchan Hitmontop Krabby Lotad Makuhita Munchlax Omastar Politoed Qwilfish Roggenrola Scyther Seadra Seel Shellder Shroomish Simipour Slowpoke Squirtle Steelix Surskit Torterra UnownL UnownT UnownY Wailmer Whiscash Dark Forest Ditto Gothita Kangaskhan Larvitar Magnemite Onix Reuniclus Scyther Seadra Shroomish Skuntank Surskit Tyrunt UnownC UnownD UnownH UnownM UnownO UnownR UnownV UnownZ Venipede Venomoth Wailmer Jungle Aerodactyl Cherubi Doduo Durant Gible Glameow Kabuto Kangaskhan Karrablast Kecleon Ledyba Lileep Lotad Mankey Murkow Oddish ShinyWigglytuff Shroomish Slakoth Spinarak Staravia Staryu Sunkern Tauros Togekiss Treecko UnownE UnownH UnownN UnownV UnownW Vullaby Weepinbell Wigglytuff Leaf Town Amaura Banette Froakie Golduck Magmortar Pangoro Rattata Scyther Skiddo Torterra UnownR Wingull
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Post: #2
This mustve taken a really long time so thanks for that but there already is a map guide. Check this out https://pkmnreborn.com/forums/viewthread.php?id=233
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Post: #3
Amazing Guide Mate.
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