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Training Contest!

February 05, 2019 1:11:09am (This post was last modified: February 05, 2019 1:35:30am by Bagon25.)
    Post: #1 
Bagon25 forum profile avatar
Training Contest!
I will be hosting a Training Contest monthly for the foreseeable future!

How this will work:

Firstly you will need an empty account with no Pokemon or items in it (This account does not have to be new and can have all of the gyms completed)
Then post the ID of the account in this thread
After that I will add all the participants into the second post until a day before the contest starts
A day before the contest starts I will send a trade with a level 5 loaned Pokemon for you to train!
I will check the level of the Pokemon on the final day and the top 3 with the highest Pokemon will win!

When will this start:

The contest will start on the 2nd day of each month!
The contest will end on the first day of the next month!


Your account must not have any Pokemon or items in it before the contest starts
The only item you may purchase and send to the account is TM06 (yes you will have to invest in this)
You must follow the common RPG rules (No Macros etc)
You will have until I return the Pokemon to train them as high as possible!
You must not do anything but train on this account!
If found breaking any rules you will be immediately disqualified from this and any other events I hold in the future

1st Place: 25,000 coins and 25 Coloured Pokemon
2nd Place: 15,000 coins and 15 Coloured Pokemon
3rd Place: 10,000 Coins and 10 Coloured Pokemon

Goodluck and may the best trainer win!
Any questions/changes please PM them to me on either the RPG or Discord!

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February 05, 2019 1:12:17am (This post was last modified: February 05, 2019 1:46:41am by Bagon25.)
    Post: #2 
Bagon25 forum profile avatar

John321 - #67

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February 05, 2019 1:35:31am
    Post: #3 
John321 forum profile avatar
John321 - #67

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April 06, 2019 7:08:40pm
    Post: #4 
Arceoxys forum profile avatar
quite complicated but the prizes are looking veryyy nice. I would participate but i doubt i will train

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July 09, 2019 3:35:25pm
    Post: #5 
kairon forum profile avatar
7 thanks for the contest

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