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How much would you rate them.?

February 03, 2018 5:32:02am
    Post: #1 
TheBlackSkull forum profile avatar
How much would you rate them.?
Hello everyone.
I was wondering how much the map legend pokemons worth? They are very rare to find. It took me about 20-25mins to find a Kyurem.
And also you cannot catch them with master ball. You can catch them only with the legend ball. And the legend ball has 90% catch rate. I cought a Kyurem after throwing 3 legend balls.
And the legend balls cost 1k coins/$1000000000
So how much would you pay for a map legend poke.?
I also wanna know what other legend pokemons I can find on map. Suggestion/feedbacks post below.
Thank you.

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February 03, 2018 7:38:31am
    Post: #2 
darkraisgod forum profile avatar
$1000000000=10 coins maximum
so i would rate a legend about 30 coins

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February 03, 2018 2:36:02pm
    Post: #3 
GifBot forum profile avatar
Naw FAM. Legends r worth 3k a piece. Finfing one is a pain in the ass

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February 05, 2018 11:53:26am
    Post: #4 
Origin forum profile avatar
Considering you can get the Legend Balls with Money, the value of the ball alone would only be at 100coins max.
Taking into account, how long it takes to find them - 35mins on average, Max would be 1,000 coins.
Why should a Pokemon that is basically free and obtainable be rated so highly?
Unless you happened to get a Shiny version, and someone who collects the legendary you've caught, it's not really worth much.
I had about 5-7 darkrais (Haunted Mansion Map btw) and I didnt bother trading them off since theyre pretty useless

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