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Moves of Pokemon . We should see the problem

December 26, 2017 4:40:30am
    Post: #1 
Ashketcham forum profile avatar
Moves of Pokemon . We should see the problem
THERE SHOULD BE A FIX SYSTEM THAT WHEN EVER WE GET A POKEMON.THE POKEMON SHIULD HAVE ITS REAL MOVES.LIKE IF WE TAKE CHARMENDER CAN DO BUBBLE HOW IT IS POSSIBLE . INSTEAD,IT SHOULD HAVE ATTACKS LIK FLAMETHROWER,IRONTAIL,RAGE,FIRESPLIT.so pls change the moves setting of Pokemon move.if u don't know what move the Pokemon should use .then see what type of Pokemon it is if it is ice type then let it learn frost attacks.but if it is colored Pokemon then again see which colored Pokemon it is ,let it learn the two typed attack and two colored attack like if it is haunted CHARMENDER .then let it learn FLAMETHROWER and a rage,and it is haunted too,then let it learn two haunted moves like confusion and illusion.thankyou for seeing this post.

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December 31, 2017 11:34:20am
    Post: #2 
phoenix forum profile avatar
It is not actually needed
Moves like flame thrower and rage can be easily changed and u don't even need to pay $1

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December 31, 2017 8:05:44pm
    Post: #3 
pikachu6 forum profile avatar
I think he means every pokemon should be able to learn only their respective moves; just like in the anime series.:)

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January 01, 2018 1:21:40am (This post was last modified: January 01, 2018 1:24:12am by Sarah.)
    Post: #4 
Sarah forum profile avatar
This is not in any way a good idea just for the simple fact that you are able to set the moves up yourself and the other fact that this Pokemon website is not a main series Pokemon game so we don’t need to have it all set up like them games

Edit: and btw if we did implement this type of system for a newly created Pokemon we would most likely need to rework the whole battle/ other stuff ig for the Pokemon
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October 24, 2019 4:21:38pm
    Post: #5 
panda18 forum profile avatar
i kan not attack any way because i do not know how

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November 13, 2019 3:24:43pm
    Post: #6 
phoenix forum profile avatar
@panda18 u just click on the moves

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July 18, 2020 6:16:10pm
    Post: #7 
Runeari forum profile avatar
...idk why im posting here but..meh.

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