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Founder - =Pokemon REBORN (https://www.pkmnreborn.com)

December 26, 2017 12:59:19am (This post was last modified: December 26, 2017 1:07:02am by pikachu6.)
    Post: #1 
pikachu6 forum profile avatar
Founder - =Pokemon REBORN (https://www.pkmnreborn.com)
Ho ho ho..! Welcome to my Secret Santa minigame!

How does this work? To enter simply donate any special pokemon (Shiny/Haunted etc).
and you will recieve the same amount of different donated pokemon back that you donated between the 25th - 31st.

You will also gain 275 coins if you are donating a Haunted/Demon Pokemon and 475 coins for Frost/Shadow/Glitter/Golden Pokemon.

You will be able to collect your Pokemon on/after Christmas.


"you will recieve the same amount of different donated pokemon back that you donated between the 25th - 31st"

I thought i will get all of my donated pokemons back as (the same amount of different donated pokemon back that you donated) it do not mention a 3rd party's pokemon donation.

I did not presumed that a random swap between other players donated pokemons to occur; as this is my first entry. Its not fair.emoji

I donated 3 coloured pokemon & instead I got 3 shinies.emoji

I can expect no return of my Pokemons, but pls clarify the process of this event (Secret Santa) in the future.


This "you will recieve the same amount of different donated pokemon back that you donated" confused me!!!.emoji

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December 26, 2017 10:30:40am
    Post: #2 
Origin forum profile avatar
If you donate 3 Pokemon, you get 3 Pokemon back.

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