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Idea for Cruz (BATTLE STADIUM)

December 21, 2017 4:12:01am
    Post: #1 
deadly_ash forum profile avatar
Idea for Cruz (BATTLE STADIUM)
Can we have more event like battle stadium?
Cruz I request a battle Stadium that prizes is 1,000 coins and 1,500,000 if he/she win.
All we need to do is be in the rank 1 in the event and to be in rank 1 we just do is battling trainers that have a rank that lower to us
Your rank is 500
You need to do is battling the trainers that ranked 499,498,497
Three players is the limit of trainers that you can battled.!!


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December 21, 2017 11:53:47am
    Post: #2 
Origin forum profile avatar
we had a similar one before, it was an online battle thing. but it was removed after a while since not everyone used it.

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December 22, 2017 5:53:36am
    Post: #3 
deadly_ash forum profile avatar
Sana bumalik emoji

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December 26, 2017 7:15:26pm
    Post: #4 
R0b3R forum profile avatar
why do u answer origin CruZ will answer leave for HiM

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December 27, 2017 8:45:29am
    Post: #5 
Origin forum profile avatar
R0b3R Maybe, just maybe as one of the most active players who's been here since the RPGs first creation, I know what has happened and can give responses based on what CruZ has told us before ?

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December 28, 2017 9:29:12am
    Post: #6 
deadly_ash forum profile avatar

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December 30, 2017 9:06:59am
    Post: #7 
CruZ forum profile avatar
R0b3R, I request you not be rude to other players. And Origin already responded to this suggestion. Maybe once the rpg gets more than 200 daily active user I will add that feature again.

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