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Fairies Clan

November 13, 2017 12:53:30pm (This post was last modified: November 13, 2017 12:57:20pm by pikachu6.)
    Post: #1 
pikachu6 forum profile avatar
Fairies Clan
(This post is Only for members in Clan:Fairies)
Welcome to Fairies Clan

In our Guild, now we have Rank Names:

  1. Fairies Assistant
  2. Fairies Guardian
  3. Fairies Beginner

Please suggest some Rank Name; if it is good, I'll implement it.:D

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November 14, 2017 8:22:32pm
    Post: #2 
king101 forum profile avatar
Beginner fairy, novice fairy, guardian fairy, fairy warrior,elemental fairy Fairy champion, fairy queen/ king.

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November 15, 2017 9:39:09pm
    Post: #3 
pikachu6 forum profile avatar
wow awesome thank you for your reply.:D

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November 15, 2017 9:58:38pm (This post was last modified: November 15, 2017 10:12:30pm by pikachu6.)
    Post: #4 
pikachu6 forum profile avatar
I have implemented all the names except for the queen/king.:D
But can you suggest(this also includes any members from Clan:Fairies) which permissions i should implement for each of the following ranks?

  • Fairy Champion:
  • Fairy Warrior :
  • Fairy Guardian :
  • Fairy Assistant :


Permission that can be implemented

Permissions with Abbreviations

Can edit clan text (ct)
Can manage clan ranks(use with eyes open) (cr)
Can upgrade clan (cu)
Can send bulk clan messages (cb)
Can manage applicants (ca)
Can invite members (ci)
Can manage clan members(kick members) (cc)

Use those abbreviations that represents the permission for easy reply.:D

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November 19, 2017 6:00:54am
    Post: #5 
pikachu6 forum profile avatar
have implemented all the rankings. Thank You king101.:D

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December 01, 2017 3:40:30pm
    Post: #6 
BlackIce forum profile avatar
How do I earn those permissions?

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December 03, 2017 6:57:51pm (This post was last modified: December 03, 2017 7:00:47pm by pikachu6.)
    Post: #7 
pikachu6 forum profile avatar
Permissions have been implemented for each ranks.XD different ranks have different permission over your clan.XD Fairy assistant have all the permission except for (Can manage clan ranks:) XD

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December 20, 2017 2:17:00pm
    Post: #8 
VikkiCrimson forum profile avatar
I just beat all of the kanto region gyms which region should I go to now??

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December 22, 2017 6:23:03pm
    Post: #9 
pikachu6 forum profile avatar
sorry for the late reply. But I think that's all (48) badges is necessary to unlock legendary pokemons in the map such as Darkrai which can be found in Map:Haunted Mansion.XD

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