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Halloween Event Guide

October 31, 2017 6:22:53pm (This post was last modified: October 31, 2017 6:25:07pm by Origin.)
    Post: #1 
Origin forum profile avatar
Halloween Event Guide
Guide for completing the Halloween Event!
Will contain links to shops that have some items, city/town/region travel, and the items and rewards for each town.

Useful Links:
Item Shop 1
Item Shop 2
SS Anne - City/Town Travelling
Airport - Region Travelling

Witch's House - Turn in items for Candies!
Witch's Shop - Turn in Candies for Prizes!

You must be in Viridian City and have 1x Great Ball
Reward : 15 Candies

You must be in Pewter City and have 1x Ultra Ball
Reward : 15 Candies

You must be in Cerulean City and have 1x Old Rod
Reward : 17 Candies

You must be in Vermilion City and have 1x Good Rod
Reward : 18 Candies

You must be in Lavender Town and have 1x Super Rod
Reward : 18 Candies

You must be in Celadon City and have 1x Potion
Reward : 20 Candies

You must be in Fuchsia City and have 2x Rare Candy
Reward : 15 Candies

You must be in Saffron City and have 1x Thunderstone
Reward : 20 Candies

You must be in Saffron City and have 1x Thunderstone
Reward : 20 Candies

You must be in Cinnabar Island and have 1x Fire Stone
Reward : 20 Candies

You must be in New Bark Town and have 1x Water Stone
Reward : 20 Candies

You must be in Cherrygrove City and have 1x Leaf Stone
Reward : 20 Candies

You must be in Violet City and have 1x Moon Stone
Reward : 20 Candies

You must be in Azalea Town and have 1x Moon Stone
Reward : 20 Candies

You must be in Goldenrod City and have 1x Sun Stone
Reward : 25 Candies

You must be in Ecruteak City and have 1x Shiny Stone
Reward : 22 Candies

You must be in Olivine City and have 1x Dusk Stone
Reward : 20 Candies

You must be in Cianwood City and have 1x Dawn Stone
Reward : 20 Candies

You must be in Mahogany Town and have 1x Mega Stone
Reward : 40 Candies

You must be in Blackthorn City and have 1x Ancient Egg
Reward : 100 Candies

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November 01, 2017 4:16:04am
    Post: #2 
kairon forum profile avatar
Bro u last link do not open see
Where is halloween candies use

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November 01, 2017 4:19:36am
    Post: #3 
Origin forum profile avatar
The links work for me? I checked on my other accounts too.
You turn in the candies at the witch's shop like it says?

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November 01, 2017 4:22:27am
    Post: #4 
kairon forum profile avatar
Witch shop cant open see fast

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November 01, 2017 4:26:11am
    Post: #5 
Origin forum profile avatar
Try witch's house. You're meant to enter a password first before you can see the shop

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November 01, 2017 4:28:00am
    Post: #6 
kairon forum profile avatar
In witch house no password

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November 01, 2017 11:29:04am
    Post: #7 
phoenix forum profile avatar
Thx for the thread Origin

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November 01, 2017 3:03:16pm
    Post: #8 
Origin forum profile avatar
You're welcome :)

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November 02, 2018 8:04:38pm
    Post: #9 
CruZ forum profile avatar
Bump! Happy Halloween. :)

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November 03, 2018 8:31:38am
    Post: #10 
phoenix forum profile avatar
Trick Or Treat ! ^.^
Happy Halloween.

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