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Owner Thread\'s Power.

June 01, 2017 3:20:44pm (This post was last modified: June 01, 2017 3:21:09pm by Campt.)
    Post: #1 
Campt forum profile avatar
Owner Thread\'s Power.
As the title suggest.
An owner of their thread will be able to Move/Close their own thread.
*However not everyone will get this power, only some with many post will be able to earn this.*
[^ either you need many posts or not is completely up to you]

Example: Those with 3000+ post will earn this ability, means lower than 3k+ post will not able to Move/Close their own thread.

Below are some points I know about this idea. [will mark (+) or (-) from each points below]
1. (+) This ability will help the staff in case there are many wrong section thread.
2. (-) There are chances people will start spamming posts (If the rule of 3k+ post is applied, if the rule of 3k+ post is not applied then there's just a bit worry about people spamming)
3. (+) For most thread in contest section, there are some chances that people will keep posting even the contest has end up. This ability will make the owner of the thread can close their contest thread once it end by them self.

That's all I can think about that for now, if I found another reasons, I'll edit this.

Thanks for reading.

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