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May 03, 2017 10:10:52am (This post was last modified: May 05, 2017 4:12:26pm by Sheethal.)
    Post: #1 
Sheethal forum profile avatar
This is the new Rate List.
Some things to Remember:
Only Certain Shinies will be added to the Rate List. E.g. Legendary Shinies Only.
Will only show rates for base evolution Pokemon, E.g. Charmander, Larvitar, Ponyta, not Charmeleon, Tyranitar Rapidash.
Base = Level 5
Rates for current Promo Center/Event Pokemon will not be added till over.
All Rates go by Rarity & amount in game.
Use CTRL + F to find a specific Pokemon.
If you feel that a Pokemon is not rated correctly, Please PM me (Sheethal or Origin or Auty) and give reasons as to why.
Rate information is provided by, Reborn Stats, Past Promos, Rarity List.
M = Male
F = Female
B = Based
UB = Unbased
N/A = Not Available/Not Applicable
Map = Caught from Map

BabyPikachu - N/A
BabyAzelf - 2400

DemonMewtwo - 20000
DemonCharmander - 15000
DemonSableye - 7000
DemonVictini - 5150
DemonZorua - 5000
DemonGolett - 4000
DemonSandshrew - 3500
DemonShinx - 2300
DemonOshawott - 1920
DemonBeldum - 1595
DemonSuicune - 1585
DemonLeafeon - 1485
DemonBellsprout - 1760
DemonTeddiursa - 1650
DemonRegice - 1500
DemonBulbasaur - 2000
DemonPonyta - 20000

EternalMegaCharizard - N/A
EternalMegaMetwo - 120000
EternalMetwo(God) - 100000
EternalReshiram - 100000
EternalGiratina - 90000
EternalPikachu - 20500
EternalDelibird - 15000
EternalEntei - 7550
EternalAbsol - 6000
EternalMudkip - 3375
EternalTeddiursa - 1870
EternalSuicune - 2500


FrostArceus - N/A
FrostMew - 120000
FrostCryogonal - 15500
FrostLitwick - 9000
FrostPichu - 4550
FrostSkorupi - 3375
FrostPonyta - 2100
FrostHoundour - 2325
FrostEntei - 3500
FrostAbra - 1700
FrostRiolu - 1650
FrostEspeon - 1825
FrostScyther - 2100
FrostYvetal - 2550
FrostRaikou - 1685
FrostAbsol - 1900
FrostOddish - 1500
FrostRegice - 1600

GlitterThunderus - N/A
GlitterGolett - 25000
GlitterSpiritomb - 12500
GlitterExeggcute - 7500
GlitterCyndaquil - 5500
GlitterTotodile - 6000
GlitterHappiny - 10000
GlitterRiolu - 3550
GlitterOshawott - 1625
GlitterPidgey - 1750
GlitterGible - 1440
GlitterGrowlithe - 1650
GlitterVulpix -1,400

GoldenNinetales - N/A
GoldenVulpix - N/A
GoldenGlaceon - 20500
GoldenLandorus - N/A
GoldenRayquaza - 20000
GoldenCaterpie - 5000
GoldenAbsol - 3400
GoldenEevee - 2250
GoldenMeowth - 1900

HauntedDialga - 90000
HauntedCoballion - 60000
HauntedJirachi - 21500
HauntedShuppet - 5500
HauntedCharmander - 5550
HauntedGastly - 3250
HauntedSnivy - 2900
HauntedGlaceon - 2700
HauntedPikachu - 2625
HauntedPichu - 2225
HauntedKeldeo - 2225
HauntedLarvitar - 1875
HauntedHitmonlee - 1550
HauntedLapras - 2700
HauntedDrifloon - 1875
HauntedCubone - 1400
HauntedMesprit - 1595
HauntedFarfetchd - 1485
HauntedChimchar - 1540
HauntedPsyduck - 1430
HauntedLitleo - 1350
HauntedEkans - 1,300

ShadowDarkrai - N/A
ShadowGeodude - N/A
ShadowMagikarp - 90000
ShadowYanmask - 10000
ShadowVaporeon - 5500
ShadowDeoxys - 5700
ShadowHo-Oh - 3500
ShadowMegaGyarados - 2325
ShadowGible - 2100
ShadowReshiram - 1840
ShadowRaikou - 88500
ShadowEevee - 1650
ShadowGastly - 1925
ShadowSableye - 1500
ShadowCarvanha - 1450

On the off chance a Pokemon becomes less than level 5, E.g. 4 or 3, It's rate is changed and will have it's own rate added on the list.
Rates can and will change depending on how many more promos are added/removed from the game.

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May 06, 2017 6:44:07am
    Post: #2 
Philiphk forum profile avatar
This rate list, still have a lot of mistake,
1.DemonMewtwo, DemonCharmander and HauntedJirachi increased their value with still available in game.
2.Demon mewtwo 20k coins with 50k bp and DemonCharmander 15k coins with 20k bp, it doesn't make sense.
3. Only add BabyAzelf at the past promo between no.117 to 122.

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May 06, 2017 7:34:59am
    Post: #3 
Sheethal forum profile avatar
dude philiphk i knew it has increased and even i hav increased the rate and it is fair, thank you:)
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